Humpback whale migration in Mexico

Humpback whale migration in Mexico. Every year, thousands of majestic humpback whales migrate to Mexico’s warmer waters for the winter. This yearly migration is an incredible sight to behold and a reminder of the wonders of nature.

The singing of humpback whales

Humpback whales are renowned for their beautiful and complex singing. Scientists believe these songs serve as a form of communication between individuals, allowing them to share information and socialize.

Humpback whales can be heard singing from miles away, and it’s been suggested that those with the longest and most complex songs may have better success with mating. Regardless, whale singing continues to captivate marine biologists and nature lovers alike with its musical beauty and complexity.

Humpback whale migration in Mexico

Humpback whale migration from their feeding grounds in Alaska typically begins between October and December, making it possible for them to reach Mexican waters by January. During this time, they can be seen swimming along the Pacific coast with their young calves trailing behind.

Once they reach their destination around March or April, humpback whales will form smaller groups and feed on schools of shrimps and small fish. This makes the Humpback whale migration in Mexico one of the best places in the world to observe them up close as they display fascinating behaviors such as breaching, lob tailing, and bubble net feeding.

At the end of April or early May, humpbacks begin heading back north towards Alaska as part of their annual migratory cycle. So if you’re looking to catch a glimpse of these majestic creatures while they’re in town, make sure you don’t miss out!